Celebrating Fathers

Not long ago, something happened to me that drained all my energy. I felt like Jesus must have felt when the woman with the issue of blood touched the hem of His garment (Mark 5:25-34). It took a while for me to feel rejuvenated. In the meantime, I was distracted, lethargic, and struggled to complete most tasks.

I remember having similar feelings before I was saved, and I would run to my father. A phone call or a visit to help strengthen me and set my heart aright. And he was always there.

Everyone needs some place to go in those times, where you can go to begin to feel okay. My father was that for me, until he died. Now, I run to the throne of God. And He is always there.

Meditate on Psalm 27 and celebrate your father. If yours is not here, know that your heavenly Father is.

If my father and mother leave me, the Lord will take me in. -Psalm 27:10, NCV

I’m asking God for one thing, only one thing: to live with him in his house my whole life long. -Psalm 27:4, MSG

Let’s Commit

Take steps to improve your relationship with:

  • God – Psalm 24:7-10
  • Others – Luke 6:27-36
  • Self – Psalm 27:3, 14